Friday, April 3, 2009

The Last to Go

Well, that's it. All four of my pregnant friends from work have now hatched their offspring. Katie was the last to go, yesterday. I'm happy for her, and for all of the new moms. However, if I may, I'd like to explore a selfish vein for a moment. These formerly expectant mothers were all people I regularly talked with and enjoyed the company of at work. Who will I talk to now? Gee thanks, procreation.


Shealy said...


The Dyer Family said...

you'll still talk to us!! we've all got our lap tops nearby. :):) that will be our best connection to the real world for a while. if it makes yoy feel any better, we feel much more isolated than you do. miss you, friend!

JBFerguson said...

Sorry Dan! We miss you too. I do always have my laptop, you need to continue to start the LOST e-mails. I miss those!