Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I've had Jenny now for about a year. She and I have lived in this house for about ten months. It's not the best situation for her though, due to the lack of a fenced in backyard. It's a huge backyard, but no fence. There is a very old, dilapidated shed in the way back of the back yard. In it are relics from days gone by: a door, an old trike, some furniture, an empty whiskey bottle, some kittensWHAT? Kittens? That's right. In the fall, a littler of kittens hatched in that shed. Sure, they are cute and cuddly and probably disease ridden, but they might as well be huge chunks of meat with a flashing neon sign that reads, "Jenny, come eat us!" Not to mention, I just don't like them.

I've never felt Jenny pull so hard on the leash as she did when we discovered these feral felines. Completely wild. Roughin' it. They have no home, save the temple of doom in my backyard. Animal control doesn't pick up cats, so I let them be. I decided I'd let nature take it's course. Idiot.

As time went by, I would see these kittens here and there. I saw one a few blocks down the street one day. They were surviving! How in the world!?

Flash forward another few months. I hadn't seen any kittens or cats in several weeks when one day Jenny and I are walking to the back yard. We spot in the very near distance a wild cat. Adult cat. It not only survived, but thrived. In the next few days, I saw another one in the backyard. There's nothing I could do. And, I thought, if they roughed it and made it this far in life, they can live out the rest of their days in the back yard. Idiot.

The final blow in this CATastrophe came this morning. I took Jenny out in the front yard and we walked around the side of the house. We both paused, jaws dropped. She didn't charge, I didn't charge (sometimes I chase the cats with her). We just stood in amazement and watched four tiny kittens play with each other as their parents looked on. Were we watching Discovery Channel? They were perfectly positioned, parents reclined, lazily keeping an eye on their offspring. Kittens chasing each other and climbing all over their mother. They are 100% wild.

I've checked my bible, and there is never any mention of God using a plague of cats, but this must be the next best thing. If anybody wants a kitten, I've got about four. If you can catch em' you can keep em!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Procreation = multiplication = more cats