Sunday, May 18, 2008

Six things I loved that aren't really around anymore

1. Nickelodeon Gak
2. Muppet Weird Stuff
3. the show "You can't do that on television"
4. Original Nintendo
5. Surge Soda
6. G.I. Joes


The Muncies said...

Are you sure you're younger than me??? This stuff is archaic!

Anonymous said...

1 is contendo....where is ji joe?
What? What??

Dan said...

posting pictures is harder than it looks. Well, posting them isn't so hard. It's getting them in the right order. After a while, i just say screw it.

TLC said...

These items are not archaic thank you...... It just shows that Dan appreciates items that are timeless. The Muppets nothing else like it!!