I've been with them since day one. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, and the rest of the gang. I was there when the smoke monster made its first appearance. I was there when the polar bears made their debut. I was there when the "others" showed up. I cried with Michael when Walt was taken. I've seen every episode they've made. Why then, am I finding myself losing interest now? Is the very fabric of our world unraveling? According to the hit ABC show, it's not out of the picture!
Things have gotten so crazy on the Island, that I'm finding it hard to keep up. I feel like that kid that sits in the back of the classroom and slowly slips further and further into confused anger. They've been to every class, they've done all the homework, but they just can't keep up. I don't want to ruin things for anyone that may be a season or two behind, but I'll just say that things get REALLY crazy. I can't keep up with why this person is on this mission or why he doesn't trust her, etc. It's become so much more than: we're stuck on an island and we can't get off. So much more than: we're on an island with other people that we think might want to kill us. I understand that this might have been the plan all along, but wow. They are narrowing their audience with every mind-bending episode. Soon, the only people left watching will be mensa nerds and the Dyer family.
I feel like giving up. But, I will not. I'll stick this thing out until the end. Until they get off the Island, or all die, or all turn into purple sea monsters that live in the clouds. Hey, anything is possible.
hey it is just getting freakin awesome - you know you'll keep watching. stop teasing, punchy. :)
i know exactly what you are thinking! i am feeling the same way! but...i will stay tuned just to see how it all turns out!
Lost is for losers lol
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