Today I coached my father through his first iTunes download via telephone. The album he downloaded spurred the thoughts from which I now write. If you haven't gathered by now, I've become somewhat of a movie buff; whatever that really means. I'm bored, I've got extra time, and I subscribe to Netflix. Netflix is awesome by the way and I highly recommend it!
Basically, I just enjoy a well made piece of cinematic artwork. I love the respect my cousin Holly has for makers of movies. She always stays through the entire credit roll, to pay homage to those who worked so hard to bring her the two hours of entertainment she just enjoyed. I wish I could say that I do the same, but I don't. Sometimes I look for really funny names, but don't do much homage paying.
Earlier this year, the movie Once was released. It's the story of a young Irish busker (street musician), his meager quest for companionship, and desire to make and record his own music. All set to the backdrop of a dreary, yet comfy Irish town. The soundtrack is amazing. Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova perform songs from their album The Swell Season, which was the basis for the film.
Watch the film. Listen to the music. At least give each track a thirty second iTunes preview.
P.S. Another very noteworthy male-female duet you should listen to is Sam and Ruby. Listen to the tracks on their Myspace page.
An interesting question comes to mind. Can two people be musical soul mates? I know and believe that music is capable of many powerful things. But, can a man and woman be joined by the music they make yet have no romantic connections? The Sam and Ruby show I saw two years ago at 12th and Porter in Nashville suggests otherwise. Ruby, caught up in the gravity of the moment, stopped singing in the middle of the song. The audience stood silent. It was quite moving. However, the dinner and conversation we shared with the two of them after a show in Auburn the next year suggested that they were strictly professional partners. Really listen to the music, see what you think.
Indy Irish buskers RULE!!
Check out
Please take time to notice they'll be performing at the RYMAN on September 24, 2008. Tickets are selling out at other major venues in large cities.
I suggest you take off work for a few days and enjoy a long weekend in THE MUSIC CITY!
I loved 'Once' too. A friend lent me the DVD saying I have to watch it because it's about a street performer (and I am one, too). The scene where the busker runs after a guy who stole money from his bag rang very true - I had that happen to me, too, and it ended the same way as in the movie. From there on the movie kept growing on me as it went on.
All the best,
Saw Lady
I think any two people can find a musical soul mate - not necessarily a man and a woman. i immediately think of simon and garfunkel - could any two people manage to make their voices join together so perfectly? i don't care how many times i hear only living boy in new york, it still gives me chills. i'm sure i could come up with other examples - but i'm not quite the human imdb with music as with movies.
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