Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Did you feel the air outside today? Ok, I guess I'm just talking to inhabitants of the Southern United States of America. Reid, I'm not sure about the weather in Morocco. D and MC, I'm not sure about the weather AROUND THE WHOLE FREAKIN WORLD. Anyways, for those of us here in the good ole south, the weather was a delightfully cool seventy-something. When I got up this morning to let Jenny out, it was actually a little chilly. Know this: I love cold weather. I know, I know, don't get your hopes up just yet. Next week it will be forty million degrees again. Then we'll have another cooler spell, then another boiler maker. However, you can't stop me from getting excited. It makes football season feel that much better.

It got me thinking though (what doesn't get me thinking, really). I contemplated human complacency. I'll love cold weather for the first month or so. Then, I'll be begging for warmth. What's up with that? Why do we get "used to" things so quickly? I wish I could always remember what it feels like to melt with 90,000 other fans while watching an Auburn football game. Sure, I'll remember melting, but I won't remember what it FELT like to melt. If I could, I would always appreciate the cold weather. Does that make any sense? I digress.

Shake the dust off of your fall decorations. Dad, get out the Steelers Christmas wreath. Its finally fall (even if only for a week).


The Muncies said...

I AGREE!!! I was so excited to feel the air this morning! I love fall and all of the pumpkins and falliness that goes with it!!!!!!

chandler said...

agree with the sentiment about only liking the cold for a few weeks. i answered to someone recently that winter was my favorite season, but i think i only said that because it's summer right now, and i want it to be gone.

Anonymous said...

Put the Indian corn on the door...get out your Steelers Wreath...scrape the barnacles off your bottom paint and chart a course north for cooler climes. The real cold goes to my bones, but the cool is cooler than the other side of the pillow. Even Joanie runs faster in coolness.
War Eagle, war steelers, war autumn!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm. . .I love cold weather, too. I pretty much love it all the time. Until maybe about March. I hope it snows this winter--build a fire, make soup, read a good book, take a nap. As for Fall--yes, I love it as well. All 2 weeks of it that we usually get.