Monday, August 11, 2008

Now are you Nervous?

Wow. Today was awesome. First day back with students. It was a "blue day" which means I see all four of my seventh grade choir classes. These are kids I taught last year in sixth grade choir. It was great to be able to call roll by just looking at each kid and already knowing their name. It was immediately comfortable and fun. We goofed off, went over rules, talked about what to expect in choir, etc. It was great. I was only slightly nervous this morning (compared to last year, non-existent). I was telling the kids that if it looks like you're not supposed to touch it, don't touch it (mainly speaking of electronics, etc.) I was explaining that, for some reason, electronics attract a large amount of dust. It went like this: "i'm keeping the keyboards covered because they attract a lot of dust. If you've ever noticed, electronics attract a lot of dust. I don't really know why. It must be the..." "SATELLITE!" said Kenny (a very large, hilarious black boy). "Yes, eletronics attract lots of dust because of the sattelite," I reiterated. Great success. We had a faculty meeting right after school and you should have seen us! We were all exhausted! "I look like I've been running through a jungle," one teacher said. "Yeah, you do look kinda jungly," another responded. We survived, nay thrived. I love my job.

Ok. Who saw the men's 4x100 relay last night!? Holy moly. I love the olympics. I was jumping up and down, screaming, going crazy. America.


Jessy said...

I saw the relay! I woke up my roomates jumping up and down screaming!

Anonymous said...

YES! I saw the relay--truly one of those real "Olympic Moments". I should have called you--I was screaming but not jumping (except in my mind) and wanted to see it over and over! Did you see those French guys" faces? Priceless!