Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Amateur Alzheimer's

I was recently reminiscing with a good friend about a beach trip we took in high school. But wait, was this the beach trip where it rained the whole time and Lee caught a catfish and slapped it against the sliding glass door? Was this the trip where we lit bottle rockets in solo cups only to hear a girl across the street exclaim, "I thought I got shot!"? Was this the beach trip where we carved an actual couch out of sand and lounged on it all day? Surely this was the same beach trip where we "cruised the strip" to prove to ourselves that this was something people ACTUALLY did.

After all the deliberation, I found myself astounded not at the fact that I've had a ton of fun at the beach with my friends, but that I CAN'T FREAKING REMEMBER which trip is which? Sadly, this has been a recurring thing with me in the last few years. I can't remember details of some of the most significant, and most fun memories I've experienced. It's starting to permeate other aspects of my life: movies I think I've seen, people I've supposedly met, prior seasons of Lost. Why is this happening? Should I eat some Ginko Biloba, or St. John's Wort? I can't even remember what those are supposed to do!

Perhaps this is why I've recently been referred to as a "headline guy". Why? Because I can only seem to remember the headlines of important stories.
Me: So did you guys hear that Muqtada Al-Sadr has recently called for his supporters to stop violence in Iraq?
Friends: Oh really? Who is Muqtada Al-Sadr?
Me: Uhm... he's a Muslim cleric that raised a militia in Iraq to.... fight.... for.... well... I don't remember.

I'm open to any suggestions on how to cure this ailment. Please submit wonder-cures in writing, because odds are, I probably won't remember it.


Shealy said...

Don't forget me please!!!

JBFerguson said...

blueberries, that is how you cure this. They are a memory food. Maybe they will have them in lunch one day and I will back up the line and get yelled at, again!!